Friends of Lily

Who Are the Friends of Lily?

“Friend of Lily” is a phrase coined by Full Marriage Equality and represents

Someone who is in an adult, consensual,  incestuous relationship or has experienced such a relationship,”  or preferably stated, Someone who is consanguinamorous or has experienced consanguinamory or consanguineous relationships or sex.” It is akin to the phrase “Friend of Dorothy” and stems from Lilianna Beckett, the main character in my novel, Love’s Forbidden Flower.

This page is for Friends of Lily, along with those who seek understanding. The people at the links below will help you find  support. Please feel free to post other helpful links and encouraging comments.

For information regarding equality among consenting adults, no matter who you are or what you feel, I strongly recommend Full Marriage Equality Blog and Full  Marriage Equality’s Facebook Group.

Helpful links on the Full Marriage Equality blog:

About the Friends of Lily Symbol

“Sealed with blood, a love that’s doubled A red-hot bond, but lovers troubled A garden of lilies, a crimson flower A stalk of purple, of royals and power.

Leaves of green, for assurance enduring Mysterious rarity, attraction alluring Courage to challenge taboos on affection The forbidden reinforced by prejudiced rejection.

Hidden and shrouded in shadows of black Pain and pleasure, withstanding attack Lovers entwined with soulmate sensations Family and friends, more intense in relations.” ~Keith at Full Marriage Equality


The symbol was created by Cristina at Lily’s Gardner. As she describes it, the flower represents the Friend of Lily’s namesake, Lily from the Forbidden Flower books. Additional symbolism includes:

Red represents the blood that binds people together in this rare opportunity of “double love”.

Green has an emotional correspondence with safety and reflects the safety of being with family. It also represents endurance, as those in incestuous relationships endure much discrimination and hate from people who can’t or won’t try to understand.

Purple represents the mystery and magic of special relationships, as it is a rare color in nature. Friends of Lily are the rare few who were presented with an opportunity of “double love” and have the courage to seize this opportunity.

Black reflects the shroud over consanguinamorous relationships due to oppressive laws.

The circle represents the circle of the family, lover, best friend, and soulmate. Consanguinamorous relationships have come full circle.






  1. I am a fiction writer working on screenplay. It’s crime drama that centers on the murder of a Family Law attorney. I ran across a support group for sibling couples while in California a few years ago and I thought the people I met could make an interesting premise. I promise you I have no interest in putting a negative face on any of your beliefs or writing anything detrimental to the marriage equality movement.
    Thanks for your time. I look forward to corresponding with you.

  2. I would love the chance to speak to someone who is knowledgeable in the situation of two siblings meeting in their 40’s and immediately become best friends to eventually learn of a sexual Attraction to one another. Feelings reciprocated. Flirting going on but nothing sexual has happened but we know that left alone too many times it could happen. We have this wholeness to ourselves since finding one another. Guess just looking for some advise

    • Hello! I just sent you an email. I know someone who can help you. Cheers!

    • Be happy together and as long as your relationship is consensual and makes you both happy,you don’t need any advice.

      As the society at large isn’t ready for these sweet, but from the perspective of many,odd bonding,just keep it a secret between the two of you.Secrecy adds spice.

  3. I’ve been in a consensual relationship with my brother for 20 years. We fell in deep love in high school, and still feel the same today. Thanks for the encouragement. We love your books, and they’ve inspired us in so many creative ways.

    • Thank you so much. I am thrilled that you have found someone special. That’s really the bottom line of it all–to find that person that makes you feel full. I wish everyone knew true love, and I wish you continued happiness.

  4. This is a beautiful page. Thanks for all the hard work you did on it.
    I’ve read the books and found them quite enjoyable. In my experience the subject is used for disfunction, titillation or shock value (The Hills Have Eyes comes to mind). You managed to avoid those traps and treat the issue seriously.
    Overall, the best books so far on the subject.

    • Thank you for your heartwarming words. Your support means the world to me. I tried to show a relationship I can’t understand the respect it deserves, and I am always brought to tears when people enjoy the results.

      • I’m still thinking of those books. I’m glad Brayden and Amara have met and recognized each other. It looks like they finally have the chance at the happy life they’ve fought for over so many centuries.
        But you still haven’t resolved the issues of Christopher and Anna. How did that begin and how will their pain be resolved?
        I hope to see a third book in a trilogy someday.

        • Hi again! Thanks for reaching out. Your words hit me with perfect timing.

          I think Lily and friends have found peace with me, yet it is funny how often they come to mind. It’s like time has moved us on, yet they are still speaking. Though there are no more plans with them, I never say no to the possibilities the future holds.

          Thank you so much for thinking of us!

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